Dievkalpojuma dalībnieki Doma baznīcā

The professional celebration started at 08.00 with a solemn Divine Service in the Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Riga Cathedral under the leadership of Archbishop Jānis Vanags. During the service, prayers, thanks and blessing given to the firefighters and at the end, a joint photo was taken.

n the afternoon, veterans of the fire service gathered at the Latvian Fire Museum. The speech was given by the retired generals Juris Łabis and Aivars Straume, the former heads of VUGD. The chief of the Fire Service, Colonel Mārtiņš Baltmanis, expressed his gratitude for the contribution of generations of firefighters in the improvement of fire safety and service and his warm wishes to the veterans. The participants of the event reminisced about the years spent in the service.

Ugunsdzēsības veterānu kopbilde pie Ugunsdzēsības muzeja

As part of the event, the thematic exhibition "History of Individual and Collective Protection of Residents" and the photo exhibition of Aleksandar Vinks works "Retrospection in firefighting" were opened.

see Photo Gallery - exhibition opening 17.05.2024.