Sienas pulkteņa attēls, Anatolijs Skorobogatskis veic remontu un īss teksts

In 1979, Anna Zvilna handed over to the museum the unique wall clock with wood carvings on the subject of firefighting, which was given to her father in 1925 by the Riga Patrimonial Society of Firemen, founded in 1880.

For the clock, the heart of the French-made mechanism had stopped. For more than 40 years, the clock silently complemented the interior of the museum's permanent exhibition - the Brandmayor's office.

In 2019, the museum was visited by a radio engineer, formerly a constructor of the Rīga Radiotehniks factory "Radiotehnika", the former engineer on duty at the Central fire communication point of the Fire Department at Hanzas Street 5 in Riga, Anatolijs Skorobogatskis.

 Anatoly's hobby is repairing complicated watch mechanisms. He offered to restore the clock to working order.

After the repair, the clock tirelessly continues to count the hours and visitors have the opportunity to listen to the velvety sound of the chimes, which was enjoyed by firefighters almost 100 year.