Fotošopā noformēts attēls - ugunsdzēsības depo tornis, fotogrāfijās uzņemti muzeju darbinieki

On September 16, the team of the Latvian Fire Museum visited their friends and cooperation partners - the Ainaž Fire Museum in exchange of experience. Museums have been actively cooperating for many years, mutually exchanging information, enriching the offer for visitors. Flowers were laid at the gravesites of the founders of the Ainaži Firefighting Museum, the Bērziņš family and museum former employees.  An exhibition has been prepared for the joint forces on the history of the development of firefighting communication and population notification systems, the basics of collective protection of the population in disasters, creating an opportunity to interactively use the elements of the exhibition. This year, the Museum of Landscapes experienced noticeable positive changes - renovations and arrangement of the heat supply system.

We wish you creative success in the future!